Tabernacles Day 4: The Glory of God

Wayne Hart shared this message with us as we gathered for a Sunday brunch in the meeting room of a local restaurant to celebrate our Micro-Feast of Tabernacles.

Try to imagine what each of the prophets is seeing in the Bible passages below:

    Revelation 1:10-12; 1:17-18
    Ezekiel 1:26-28; 2:1-2; 3:22
    Isaiah 53:2
    Matthew 13:54

What will our reaction be as we see Jesus Christ in His full glory? Will we try to run and hide like Adam and Eve? Will we fall first into a dead faint like many of the prophets of old? Or will we just step up and greet Him like an old friend as Abraham did?

What do we see in our minds’ eye as we pray at this time? Do we imagine Jesus in glory? Do we see scenes from one or more of the Scripture selections above?

God seems to manifest Himself in many different ways in the Scriptures. In Genesis 1:28-30 and 2:16 He seems to speak matter-of-factly to Adam and Eve in a non-threatening way. In 3:8-9, we have the impression of someone leaving footprints in the garden as he searches for a fearful Adam and Eve. Fear only comes from the shame of disobedience.

In Genesis 18: 1-15 He seems to manifest Himself in normal human form, yet is instantly recognized by Abraham as “the LORD.” Was this just because Abraham had see Him before?

How do we envision the Jesus described in Revelation 4:1-6? Do we imagine the Great God who speaks from the thunderstorm when we approach Him in prayer?

Perhaps if we remember His awesome power and glory as we pray, some of the things we normally might ask for so flippantly might recede into the background of our priorities. His priorities might just displace our own priorities in our prayers. Maybe even in our daily activities.

We might dwell instead on things like manifesting His glory in our lives to those around us as people made in His image and reflecting His likeness. I just wanted to bring some additional food for thought as we celebrate a feast.

About John Valade

I facilitate and teach in Wascana Fellowship. I have been married to Wanda since 1984. M.Div. from Briercrest Seminary, SK in 2011 and B.R.E. Canadian Bible College (now Ambrose University College) in 2000.
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